Racism in Poland, Warsaw and not only…

This weekend we went with friends to Warsaw to listen to Alan Fitzpatrick. He is a DJ and plays drumcode kind of music which we enjoy to listen to with my friends and one of them even loves it! The party was amazing. We had a quality time! I am so happy I could be there. As I have been living back in Poland for a few months it was for me an occasion to observe how does Polish people behave. It was the worst part of my overall weekend experience.

My friends are from different backgrounds and I always get on well with them as we are open minded people. I don’t judge people by just looking at them. What can I know about the other person by just looking at him/her?

At the entrance to the club I noticed there is going to be a lot of Polish people inside. Queue was quite long and almost each Polish person was pushing onto another instead of waiting patiently. The doorman needed to tell many times to not to squeeze at the door and take a step backward.

By the counter wasn’t possible to pay by card, so I paid an entrance for my friend from Congo. As I paid one of the bouncers must had seen me, because when I passed the counter and was entering the club he pulled me rough by my jacket to search me like he shouldn’t do. Short conversation in Polish looked like that:

I said: -‘I can unzip my jacket to make it easier for you.’ -‘What did you say?’ -‘I will unzip my jacket, ok?’

He just touched my front pockets and let me go without saying anything. I think he didn’t realize I’m from Poland and I’ll be able to talk with him.

That was just a small incident. The other one which for a long time will stay in my memory is what had happened in the morning. We were walking to an after party in the city center of Warsaw when suddenly one of the passers by walk onto my friend from Congo. When I realized what had just happened they almost started to fight which I avoided by holding them aside. What the Polish guy said next was something which I would have never expected… -‘Poland is my country and all foreigners should walk out of my way!’

Where all those dumb people are coming from? This one was lucky, but the next one will have more painful lesson for messing up with my friends. Wake up Polish people! You are not the centre of the Universe!

Trip to Wroclaw, Poland

Hey. In February Ryanair was doing big discounts on some flights, so I decided to go somewhere for a weekend. One of my good friends study in Wroclaw and I promised to visit him, then the choice was very easy for me. Trip to Wroclaw was the next thing to do in my itinerary.

I found a return ticket for 4 euro, but as I delayed with the purchase one day, it went up to 7 euro. Still a great deal, so I bought it. There’s no often an opportunity to visit other cities, so it’s good to grab a chance when it’s available and this time it was a definitely good idea.

I arrived on Friday morning, so I had some rest after the travel and we went to the city. I was going to sleep in a dormitory of my friend on Friday night, on Saturday night we were going to have a crazy night out and on Sunday we were going to sleep in a dormitory again.

On Friday night we decided to go out for a beer with some other friends to have some fun. We met some other people and some girl started to like my friend and next thing we were in a disco club. It was fun, however the music was quite old. I mean like 10 years old, but with friend was fun. Finally one of the girls liked my friend, so she invited us to her house. Her friend gave us even BIGOS, a traditional Polish food. We needed that, it was very tasty. Finally all of us went to sleep tipsy and tired. We woke up about midnight and it was time to come back to dormitory. oh LOL, I’ve just paid for the stay for a night that I wasn’t here. On Sat I won’t make the same mistake!

Saturday night we spent all evening smoking and drinking and later we went to a disco club with techno music. They were closing at 5am, so we met some people which showed us an other place which shut at 7am or even later… We stayed only till 6:30am. Too tired. A lot of fun!

Sunday I spent sleeping  almost all day, but in the afternoon I managed to do some sightseeing. About 11pm the next party begun as some students arrived to our room. We drunk a little, laughed and listened to the music.

Finally at 2pm was the time of departure, so I left the dormitory and headed for my plane to the airport. I went straight to work happy that I had such an amazing time in Wroclaw. The next trip we planned was to Prague 🙂

Traveling by plane

I like to travel. What about you? Traveling by plane is the most convenient for me and if you wonder why I will share with you my point of view. Many of you have got means of transport like a bicycle and a car or traveled by train to some distant destination. I am sure you enjoyed most of your travels, but don’t you think that traveling by plane is the quickest, the safest, the most reliable? I have many friends who’s never been on the plane and all I hear from them is ‘Ahhh! turbulences! I’m afraid of that!’ hahaha

At the beginning of this month I traveled from Malaga to Warsaw. These two cities are very far from each other. The first thing that I needed to do was get to the airport. Usually there is many buses which I can choose from. Once I am on the airport I sit down and watch people. I like to watch through the big windows of the waiting hall planes taking off. Sometimes when the flight is at the unusual hour or I slept not enough before my travel I use the time I need to wait for a short nap. Of course having a nap isn’t the safest option as it’s easy to oversleep. I recommend to set an alarm clock which will ring some minutes before opening of the gate. If you have someone traveling with you you may ask your companion to do the same.

Once on the plane I relax again an if I am at least a little tired after my trip to the airport I let my body to fall asleep. If the flight lasts more than 3h then rarely I manage to sleep all duration of the flight. Otherwise I wake up when the pilot starts to prepare to land and communicate to fasten the seat belt.

I am rested again and then the final bit of the travel left. It’s very convenient to fly, as opposite to driving, there’s less responsibility and the experienced pilots care to take me safely home. I feel very comfortable while traveling by plane. I hope it would stay like that forever. I recommend all of you to try if you haven’t done so.