As I don’t celebrate Easter I had not much to do in a few days during that period. For a few months we planned with friends a trip to see Lviv and it seemed like it would be a good period to go there. I have been in other big cities of Ukraine, but not in that one. It was a Polish city, so I thought would be cool to see it.
My friends who were travelling from Wroclaw & Lodz had a bit easier task than me to get to Przemysl as from there we were going to take a train. I found out that there is no connection to go from north (Siedlce) to south (Przemysl) of Poland. However it is very easy and comfortable to travel from West to East – for example a train is every 2h. I was lucky that some guy from Mazury was going to Przemysl for Easter and he announced it in Bla Bla Car, so I could travel with him which took me 4,5h, otherwise would have been more than 10h.
Train from Przemysl took us to Lviv. It was about 2h ride and we experienced a big passport control as we were leaving the EU. On the way back it was even more rigorous as our bags were checked and there was a dog sniffing around.
After arrival we checked in to a hostel where we had a big room for ourselves and we started exploration of the city. Lviv is not a very big city. It is possible to walk almost everywhere. There are as well very old buses and trams. In the city centre there is Lviv’s National Academic theatre of opera and ballet named after Solomiya Krushelnytska surrounded by some squares and small streets pleasant to walk around. Moreover it is worth to have a look at Greek Catholic 18th century St. George’s Cathedral, Church of St. Olha and Elizabeth which is nicely iluminated at night, Black Townhouse, Statue of Taras Shevchenko, Church of the Holy Communion and High Castle in the park. It is super nice to have a walk around the park as it is uphill and from the top there is possible to enjoy an amazing view. There was as well a Pharmacy Museum which may be worth having a look at, but we didn’t go there.
I had a good general impression on Lviv. The most amazing thing about this city for me is its age. There are buildings even from 16th century. There is possible to see history on every corner. However, it is not as rich and beautiful as for example Prague. It is beautiful, because it is old. I recommend visiting this city to people who would like do some sightseeing, relax and have some romantic time. I think it is super romantic place.