Do you know the place called Wrocław? It’s about time to get to know a little about Prague. It’s a capitol city of Czech Republic. I had never been interested in visiting Eastern European countries, but recently I changed my point of view. Those countries are beautiful and definitely worth visiting. Moreover, nowadays it’s very easy and cheap to get everywhere if planned wisely.
This time I traveled from Warsaw with Ecolines. It was the first time I used this carrier and I was extremely satisfied. Good service, quite comfortable and extra small screen with some movies and music.
I arrived to Prague in the morning. The bus station called Florenc was somewhere nearby the old town, so I decided to go on foot to explore as much as possible of the place. I walked past the Old Town which was a very beautiful part of the city. The big square in the middle of which was a big statue and around big and very old buildings. Each of them stunning and unique, obviously old, but in good condition.
Walking in the straight line I arrived to the Vltava river. The river separating the city is something unusual for me, maybe because of that I love to admire bridges. Prague have got few of them where the most famous is the Charles bridge. When I look at any bridge I love to admire its original shape, its enormous size. Bridges are a big achievement of humanity and is a very useful invention. It connects two banks of the river providing a safe and short passage.
I took my time to admire a castle on the other side, a big park, buildings and of course bridges. The sky was blue that day with the Sun shining from above. The perfect day to take some pictures.
As I was still with my luggage I headed to my hostel to drop it off there and meet my friends. We arrived to this city to go to the club to listen to the DJ Andrea Oliva, but about that later 😉
Me and my few friends who arrived from Wroclaw with BlaBlaCar met up at our hostel located about 10min walk from the centre. The perfect place to be. We had a room only for four of us. Unfortunately one of our friends decided to come late and booked his accommodation in a different place, which wasn’t an obstacle to have a great fun together.
After having some delicious local food in a nearby restaurant we decided to go for a walk. We were taking pictures and having laugh. On the Charles Bridge which I mentioned before was a lot of tourist enjoying a walk and taking photos. We were no different. I don’t remember how it happened, but probably because of our photographic passion, we met 3 Russian girls passing by. It would had been only a short encounter if not our Ukrainian friend who started to have a chat in Russian with them. This way they accompanied us on our walk through the hill and the park. Finally they arranged to smoke shisha together just before we go to the club. This way we went back to the hostel, had some rest and after 8pm we went to meet up with 3 ladies. They took us to some fancy Russian place, one of them studies here, so knows Prague very well. We had few cocktails and smoked a lot of shisha. This way I was unable to speak with them in Russian as my had was too dizzy, so I just enjoyed nice music. We headed to the club where we stayed till the morning. Actually Ukrainian friend left early, because didn’t like the music and one other friend was kidnapped by some girl, so left few hours before the end of the party. He missed some great music, but like we got to know later h had a good time too.
The funniest part of all that weekend in Prague was of course a love story. One Russian fell for one my friend and an Ukrainian boy was talking all the time with the other one. We agreed to go out with them on Sat night, the next night. ok. If they like each other why not. Unfortunately it wasn’t so sweet as it could be. The third Russian started to fancy the Ukrainian boy, so the second one girl suddenly went home in a bad mood as the boy changed his object of interest. When finally when everything was sweet and cheesy he showed his wedding ring?! to apologize?! I don’t understand that behaviour till that moment as the second Russian got upset, angry, or who knows what else and decided to go home, so finally we stayed in the club, enjoying great electronic house music until the end, after being part of unnecessary affair disappointment :/
Overall Prague left on us a very good impression. We’ve seen many beautiful places, we tried some local food – I liked the sweet dough which was round, big and empty inside. I bought it filled with nutella. I loved it! Next time I have an opportunity to eat it I would definitely buy it. Go to Prague people, discover the city and have fun with people around you. Just don’t break women hearts if you’re married. I don’t recommend that.