I listen from time to time to a Brazilian podcast by Marina Gomes. She talks about places, people, features of things and people, etc. Recently I listened to one about Jericoacoara and I reminded myself time when I was visiting this place a few years ago. Continue reading “While living in Fortaleza…, Brasil”
My life in Siedlce, my company & photography, Poland
I arrived to Poland after a long absence over 6 months ago. Since that time I run a company where I repair computers, laptops and mobile phones. I started it with my friend Samil from Azerbejdzan who wanted to do it with me, but he is more used to work from 9 to 5 with a fixed salary every month, so 2 weeks ago he stopped to run it with me and stayed at work at my brothers place where I organized him a place to work over a year ago. 2 weeks ago I started to train my new little helper who would be able to help me with work a bit.
Moreover two months ago while I was checking hotdeals.uk I found an offer on webinar in an Academy in Dublin. I could become student and learn about photography. I signed in for that and for this period of time I am attending two lessons per week of a live webinar, 1h each. Moreover at the beginning of the month I started another webinar, was on offer as well for 30 days, where I can learn how to use Lightroom. In total 4h of useful knowledge every week! I really enjoy learning about photography and I gained a lot of knowledge which I am starting to use in practice.
I want to share with you my reader that yesterday I watched a really cool movie called Passengers. Why did I like it? It’s about space and future which we may experience if the humanity will work hard enough to achieve it. It touches as well a sense of a human life. Sharing happiness is all we need 🙂
Easter in Lviv, Ukraine
As I don’t celebrate Easter I had not much to do in a few days during that period. For a few months we planned with friends a trip to see Lviv and it seemed like it would be a good period to go there. I have been in other big cities of Ukraine, but not in that one. It was a Polish city, so I thought would be cool to see it.
My friends who were travelling from Wroclaw & Lodz had a bit easier task than me to get to Przemysl as from there we were going to take a train. I found out that there is no connection to go from north (Siedlce) to south (Przemysl) of Poland. However it is very easy and comfortable to travel from West to East – for example a train is every 2h. I was lucky that some guy from Mazury was going to Przemysl for Easter and he announced it in Bla Bla Car, so I could travel with him which took me 4,5h, otherwise would have been more than 10h.
Train from Przemysl took us to Lviv. It was about 2h ride and we experienced a big passport control as we were leaving the EU. On the way back it was even more rigorous as our bags were checked and there was a dog sniffing around.
After arrival we checked in to a hostel where we had a big room for ourselves and we started exploration of the city. Lviv is not a very big city. It is possible to walk almost everywhere. There are as well very old buses and trams. In the city centre there is Lviv’s National Academic theatre of opera and ballet named after Solomiya Krushelnytska surrounded by some squares and small streets pleasant to walk around. Moreover it is worth to have a look at Greek Catholic 18th century St. George’s Cathedral, Church of St. Olha and Elizabeth which is nicely iluminated at night, Black Townhouse, Statue of Taras Shevchenko, Church of the Holy Communion and High Castle in the park. It is super nice to have a walk around the park as it is uphill and from the top there is possible to enjoy an amazing view. There was as well a Pharmacy Museum which may be worth having a look at, but we didn’t go there.
I had a good general impression on Lviv. The most amazing thing about this city for me is its age. There are buildings even from 16th century. There is possible to see history on every corner. However, it is not as rich and beautiful as for example Prague. It is beautiful, because it is old. I recommend visiting this city to people who would like do some sightseeing, relax and have some romantic time. I think it is super romantic place.
Visiting a friend in Poznan + Motor Show
Hey! At the beginning of April I planned with my friend Karolina a trip to Poznan – a city in Greater Poland Voivodeship. She actually lives and study there, so she was going to show me around. I took Continue reading “Visiting a friend in Poznan + Motor Show”
Warsaw weekend photo trip, Poland
Last weekend with my friend Jarek we took our photo cameras and all photo equipment which we didn’t use for the whole winter. We bought 24h train ticket and decided to go to places to take some pictures. Continue reading “Warsaw weekend photo trip, Poland”
Short trip to Łódź to meet friends, Poland
For the time being I live in a quite small and boring city called Siedlce. It is my hometown. Every now and then I try to travel to some different city to meet up with my friends. Last weekend we decided to met up in Łódź. Continue reading “Short trip to Łódź to meet friends, Poland”
Thoughts about my family, Siedlce
Everyone has got some parents. We have a better or worse contact with them. Many people grow up with them in one home seeing them almost every day. After man years of living abroad I decided to come back for some time to my home town to spend some time around my parents, but actually now we don’t have much in common.
As for today I prefer to don’t talk to my mother as her character and personality is unbearable and my father usually doesn’t have much time for me. As for this reason I tried to find in my mind something which I remember the most about them from my life and I came up with quite funny conclusion.
My mother always was saying ‘It’s late already. It’s time to sleep.’ The main thing she repeated on daily bases. She doesn’t say many clever things and this sentence many would say that sounds quite reasonable.
As about my father I remember that he never have time for me. Even on the phone he disconnected as fast as he can, cause he always busy. Without saying ‘bye’, but ‘I can’t talk right now’ instead. Later during my life I noticed that I behaved too many times like that with people I cared about. I am happy that I realized that and now I am not going to behave this way as I think rushing is not necessary in most of life’s situations.
Those are quite odd things to remember about parents, but that’s reality which need to be accepted. Oh well :/
Melon story and some more… Ibiza
I remember a day in Ibiza when 4 of my friends were walking down the beach while suddenly they noticed Police officers running towards them. 2 of them had some illegal substances on them, so with heart beating fast they started to run away Continue reading “Melon story and some more… Ibiza”
Steve Aoki in Amnesia, Ibiza
As I lived not more than 10 minutes walk from Ushuaia I decided one September’s evening to go to the closing party of Robin Schultz. It was called Blue. Parties at Ushuaia finish early, because at midnight, so I could easily get some rest after that. I went just for the last hour anyway Continue reading “Steve Aoki in Amnesia, Ibiza”
The worst club in Siedlce, Poland
3 weeks ago on Saturday my friend Michał came to Siedlce where I live and work now. I promised him I’ll join him on the night out. First he came to the bar where I was working for few drinks and left to the club. I finished my work after 2am and went to join him. He chose the club which is the worst for me in my hometown, because Continue reading “The worst club in Siedlce, Poland”